Southern Irrigation Team to Malawi
What a joy it was to welcome a team of enthusiatic people from Southern Irrigation to Malawi! It was great to have them see the irrigation plot first hand and Gerrit enjoyed seeing them develop a plan to benefit the garden and surrounding communities. The team was also able to collect sponsorship updates of the children at the centre, do some crafts with them and spend some time socializing and playing games.
We look forward to hearing their stories back here in Canada as they share their experiences with all of us.
We would like to share the blog posts that the team wrote while they were visiting… we thoroughly enjoyed reading them and believe you will as well - here is the link, just scroll to the bottom for the blog posts from each day: Southern Irrigation | Hungry For Life Partnerships
While the team was there they were able to gift posters from the Grade 5 class at Mount Cheam Christian School to the Grade 5 class at Chigumukire Child Care Centre. The Grade 5 class of MCCS raised an incredible $1,870 doing different chores in their community. Grade 5 students in Canada also recorded some little videos to encourage some of the students in Malawi to talk in English - It was so amazing to “connect” these two classes in this way.
Thank you Southern Irrigation for your continued support of our programs. We also want to take this opportunity to thank Hungry for Life for all the work they have put into facilitating this partnership as well as planning and leading this team in Malawi. It is greatly appreciated!