Bringing relief founded on the infallible Word of God.


The Timotheos Foundation in Malawi was founded in June 2011, in response to a request for help from the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Malawi. The Foundation addresses poverty, supports local communities in need, and brings God’s Word to local Malawians. Since starting, the foundation has established a variety of programs to address the most pressing needs of Malawians, and these programs continue to expand as needs are great.

Mission & Vision


Our Mission

To address the spiritual and material needs for vulnerable children and their families in developing countries.

Our Vision

We envision self-sufficient, educated, influential Christians in developing countries, evidenced by the Word of God taking the highest place in their lives.

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Core Values


Cooperation: working together to achieve the Foundation’s mission and vision

Respect: acknowledging each others gifts, talents, and cultural background

Transparency: sharing as much information as possible or needed with all stakeholders

Integrity: holding yourself and others accountable to the highest level of moral and

ethical standards

Gratitude: acknowledging God and each other for what we receive

Dedicated individuals with heart and an important mission.



Gerrit Oomen has been recently hired by Timotheos Foundation Canada to take responsibility for the Canada-sponsored projects in Malawi. He moved to Malawi with his wife, Gretchen and their seven children (Natasha, Roelof, Johannes, Marcus, Gerrit, Judah and Micah) in January 2020. Gerrit has been a member of the Timotheos board in Canada since we started in 2015. Together with his family they are settling well into life in Malawi.


Our History

The Timotheos Foundation in Malawi was founded on June 10, 2011, in response to a request for help from the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Malawi.  Mr. Charles Paundedi and Mr. Wim Akster responded to the request, and formed a non-government organization to tackle the poverty, support the communities surrounding the churches and most importantly work with reformed churches to bring the Word of God to local Malawians. Initial support for this organization was provided by the Dutch Timotheos Board. They continue to support the work of Timotheos in Central Malawi while the Canadian Board, formed in 2015, supports the work of Timotheos in Southern Malawi. Most recently the USA has also formed a board and is working to spread awareness in the United States.

Our Board

The Canadian Board of the Timotheos Foundation consists of six members from across Canada. All positions are unremunerated.


John Van Lagen -President

Mike Van Hemert -Vice President

Jason Lindhout -Treasurer

Marlies Korporaal-Secretary

Lennard Ten Hove

William Klaassen

Gerrit Oomen -Field Worker, Advisor

Ron Neels -Executive Director, Advisor