Experiences on the Minibus and a Village Walk

Traveling to the Chigumukire center the last few days has been an adventure for part of the group. The minibus rides have been eventful and full of new experiences! From beginning the day by waiting 45 minutes to try to get enough passengers to fill the van, to getting gas in a pop bottle after running out of gas even though they just passed a gas station, to hauling chickens, sawblades and bamboo in the trunk, the mini bus rides always kept us entertained. The group that has been going to Mkhomabasa has an hour drive each day with our driver, Peter. This area has a desert look with the baobab trees, cacti, and dry river beds.

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"You are all so special!"

Today we all had an enjoyable day the the Mkomobasa and Chigumukire childcare centers. As we drive down the road, the children excitedly race behind the vehicle chanting "A Mzungu, a Mzungu" which means "a white person". We are barely out of the back of the vehicle when we are bombarded with fist bumps, high fives, and handshakes. It was heartwarming when we said Good Morning to the children, the replied with the usual good morning and how are you, madam. Then then said " you are all so special!" It was so nice to hear from the children themselves how the week we spend with them is so appreciated.

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Starting our Second Week of Vacation Bible School

Yesterday we went to church at the Mulinga childcare center. The pastor spoke a few words from the Westminster Short Catechism about prayer. It was also nice to hear the pastor preach a sermon on 2 Samuel 14:1-13 which was based on one of the Treasured Meditation booklets we had gifted him - “The Best Friend” by John Owen. We had Sunday soup with Florus and Janneke and also tried a “paw paw” fruit which we found out tasted like a cantaloupe.

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Last Day at our First Centres and our First Goodbyes...

We started our last day at the center with the children running behind our Land Cruiser as we drove up the path to the child care center.

Each morning as we arrived at the center, the children were eating their porridge for breakfast. We told our last Bible stories and were amazed at how well the children knew their English Bible verse and Psalter after practicing all week.

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Many Learning Experiences...

The past few days have been full of learning experiences. Yesterday at Mulinga Childcare Centre we had the privilege of teaching and helping at the agogo feeding (feeding the elderly Malawians) which is outside of our regular program. This is also a program through Timotheos which ensures the elderly are fed and taught from Gods Word during some of the dry months.

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First Impresssions of the VBS Team

After a long, exhausting couple of days of traveling we finally made it to Blantyre, Malawi, yesterday afternoon around 4pm. The size of the airport in Blantyre was a surprise, as we were the only airplane there and were unloaded via stairs onto the tarmac. Finding all of our suitcases and getting them out the door was definitely another chaotic experience, but we were very thankful to find that all of our luggage had made it! Exiting the airport, we immediately experienced the helpful nature of Malawians as they were eager to assist us with our suitcases. Florus and James (the driver) greeted us at the airport. After an eye-opening drive from the airport to the guest house, we settled in and enjoyed a delicious supper made by Florus & Janneke and Bep, which was very much appreciated!

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Final Days in Malawi...

Wow, we have been home for two weeks, a whirlwind of activity catching up on things while we were away but I feel like it is important I close out our final days in Malawi with a “quick” blog post. These two weeks at home have seen me busy with the final preparations for the VBS team that is currently on route to Malawi and before they start blogging their experiences I thought I would finish sharing our final days in Malawi.

Monday, July 1st was a incredible meeting day.

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Family Days – Friday, Saturday and Sunday

We had some wonderful days with our family and the Oomens – special for Ben and Gretchen (cousins) to learn more about each other and spend time together! The children enjoy playing together too!

Saturday we went out for the day with the Oomens – they took us to the wood market, the Blantyre market, People of the Sun store and to get some groceries and we treated them to a little KFC! It was a great day spent together and we ended the day meeting with all the expats and visitors in town for a welcome dinner at a mall food court. This location was chosen so that all the children could join and enjoy as well!

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One last look at the center and some family time...

guest blog written by Ranen Korporaal…

Yesterday morning, we went to the center for the last time this trip. As you know we have been working on collecting data for sponsorship updates so we returned to gather data from any children who were absent the previous two days. Most of the Standard 8 children also came yesterday as they have been on holidays while they wait for their exam results!

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I am feeling exceptionally blessed to be able to experience Malawi with both Ben and three of our children.

They have all been supporting a child since 2017 and today Katie got to meet hers! What an incredible experience. Beyond words. In 2018 I met Esnat for the first time, an incredibly timid preschooler sobbing on the nursery room floor, exhausted and clearly bothered by something. Today she ran to us, recognizing me from previous trips, with a large hug and incredibly warm smile. So, so special!

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"Come on a Safari with me" - by Ron Neels

“Come on a safari with me.” After an intense week with so many conflicting emotions and mental gymnastics it was good to relax and just be a tourist. Our last organized group event was a safari experience at Mvuu Lodge. The facilities were amazing, the wildlife reserve setting was beautiful, and the creatures we encountered were unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

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