Child Care Centres


Child Care Centres (CCCs) have been set up in an effort to provide children with basic resources. Children accepted into the program receive Biblical instruction, food, clothing, education and medical care.

By providing these resources to orphans, they are given the opportunity to become influential Christians within their society. Preschool aged children come for one meal a day, as well as to receive Bible lessons and basic education.  Grades 1-6 attend class at our centre in the morning and receive their nutritious meal afterwards.  Grades 7 and 8 attend class at the local government school and then come to the centre for their meal and extra lessons as well as their daily Bible class.  Local people are employed to do the cooking and maintenance around the CCCs, in an effort to facilitate community involvement. A Reformed Presbyterian Pastor lives with his family in a house at the centre and is involved with daily assemblies and teaching of Bible lessons.  Timotheos Canada is funding the Chigumukire Child Care Centre in Nsanje, a district in Southern Malawi. We currently have 315 children enrolled in our program.


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Foster Home Program


About our foster home

There are more than one million orphans in Malawi! Some live with grandparents, aunts or uncles, but for some that is not possible. Timotheos has responded to the need for shelter and care of some our children in the program who have no one to live with by setting up a small foster home at the centre. Foster Homes mimic a family setting in that a mother is hired to live with and care for the children as her own.  Secondary mothers are hired to help with chores during the day.  The foster home at Chigumukire CCC is home to 12 orphans.  Foster Home Children sponsorships are available at $40/month, 2 sponsorships cover the costs of one child.


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Bursary Program


About our bursary program


After graduating from Grade 8 children are accepted, based on their grades, into one of the four levels of government high school. Any of our children that graduate from primary school are automatically sponsored in secondary school.  At times we also accept other students into the program based on their need of financial assistance and dedication to study.  In the bursary program we support the students financially for anything school related but they are expected to support themselves for food and shelter just like they would need to if not a part of the program.  Timotheos’ mission is to help orphan children become self-sufficient and one of the ways we accomplish that is by teaching them to not be reliant on our support for everything.

Student fees cover tuition, uniforms, books and school supplies.  At times, if the local secondary school they are enrolled in is not performing well, we will relocate students to another secondary institution and then we do cover their housing rentals fees.


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Nursery Feeding Program

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Nursery Feeding Programs (NFPs) are set up in villages of extreme poverty, not near our large centre, where there are many orphans that are in desperate need of assistance. 

These preschool programs are open to all children aged three to six from the surrounding area and are not based on acceptance or individual child sponsorship. These children attend the preschool classes, receive a daily Bible lesson and end their day with a serving of porridge.  Once they reach primary school age they go on to attend the local government school and we hope and pray their families will continue attending the local RPC Church.

We currently have 6 operational nursery feeding programs and sponsorships are available for $50/month with 6 sponsorships covering one program.

These programs allow us to reach many children for a short period of time with little capital costs.


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Partnered with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Malawi


The Timotheos Foundation Malawi works hand-in-hand with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Malawi (RPC).

The RPC of Malawi was originally supported by the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland but is now supported by the Herstelde Hervormde Kerk of Holland. The HHK built a seminary in Malawi and the Timotheos Foundation and has been working with the RPC to assist with programs.  All programs are set up in the vicinity of a RPC church, encouraging our beneficiaries to attend church regularly. 

The main focus of Timotheos is to share God’s Word with the Malawians. Our programs are attended by a RPC pastor who instructs with a meditation.  An RPC pastor also lives at the centre and daily instructs the children.


Disaster Relief

Timotheos has many connections on the ground in Malawi which allows them to readily and effectively provide aide in event of natural disasters.  Most recently in the wake of Tropical storm Idai, Timotheos was even recognized by local media outlets for being a very effective non-government organization assisting in the relief.  With all distributions of relief items, we begin with Bible reading, prayer and a meditation.  This allows us to share God’s Word with many people who have never heard it before.

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