Phase 1: Distribution to beneficiary families

After assessing damage near our child care centres it was evident that our beneficiary families were going to need assistance. Especially at the three child care centres in the southern district, the damage is immense. Many have partially or completely lost their homes and gardens. The harvest they were anticipating in April has washed away.

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Marlies KorporaalComment

Very sobering update out of Malawi this morning:

Gerrit and Bart were able to visit some districts in the Upper Shire area (not the hardest hit area) and even there, Mulanje for instance has 650 people displaced and staying at a local school. Most districts have not been able to fully complete their assessment reports as they have not been able to reach all areas of their district. These should be completed by tomorrow.

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Marlies Korporaal
Tropical Storm Ana Update

Cyclone Ana hit southern Malawi yesterday and today. Some areas have been hit hard, in other areas the damage appears to be not too bad. In order to get a realistic picture of the situation in these areas, the water will first have to subside. We can be thankful that the rain has largely stopped at this point. We are now waiting for the water to subside. In the meantime, we are preparing for the coming days.

Tomorrow Timotheos will decide what help is needed in which areas. Will you join us in praying for the people of Malawi? 🙏

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Black Mamba Snakes

Black Mamba Snake by Natasha Oomen

One night, the guards saw a black mamba snake. Armed with sticks, they followed at a distance, where they watched it disappear into a hole. The next morning, when the snake could very well be gone already, they grabbed handfuls of leaves and made a pile in front of the hole, trying to smoke it out. The first attempt did not work, so they tried an old tire instead.

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