Visiting Timotheos' Office and a Technical College - by Ron Neels

Back on the road again! 8:00 start. A little later today. We certainly didn’t come to Malawi to catch up on our sleep. This morning we visited the central office and storehouse of Timotheos Foundation in Blantyre. After a warm welcome we toured the facilities by means of a well prepared scavenger hunt for information that had us interacting with all of the staff. It was super “leerzaam” and engaging. One thing we learned: Timotheos is blessed with passionate, dedicated, and talented staff. Thanks for all you do!

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Day 13 & 14 (Thursday and Friday)

It's hard to believe we have come to the last days at the Nyamithuthu Center which also means the last days of the Vacation Bible school. This week, we have had an increasing number of children attending every day. We find it very special that the older, mature boys really enjoy and focus on coloring the parable pictures. Our good-byes to the staff and children were brief, as there were many interviews and meetings at the center for cooking mothers, guards, and with the children being chosen for high school. Although it is exhausting to work in the heat with so many children that have an abundance of energy, we are all sad to be leaving behind the teachers and children we have built connections with!

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Day 11 & 12 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

This week , we ran the program for between 250 and 350 children. We've again experienced the challenge of telling a parable while competing with crying babies, clucking chickens, children squabbling over who sits where or who gets to hold their shared plastic cup, and the many children walking in who are on Malawi time (aka whenever they get there). Just like at home, we notice that some children are attentive and some aren't. They are definitely doing well learning the Chichewa memory verse (Matt 25:13) and are making progress on the, for them more difficult, English Psalter we are teaching (290:1).

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Day 9 & 10 (Sunday & Monday)

We traveled to Namitambo for church with Bep today. The choir was amazing, and the sermon was on Genesis 1 and 2. The minister urged the members to take care of this land God has given us. For the locals, the minister made it practical to planning trees when they cut them down for fuel for fires. We enjoyed a restful afternoon on the Lord's day.

We started the day with week opening at the Timotheos office in Blantyre.

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Day 8 - Saturday

Wow! How this week has flown by....

After a very busy first week we were happy to catch up on some much needed rest. The days start early here and there is much commotion at 5:30 so that in itself is a challenge. It was a surprise to see Mr.Peter here early to wash the cruiser but it made the ride to Blantyre all the more scenic.(The roads to Mulinga sure cake the dust on the windows, Canadian gravel roads are barely comparable.)

The Shoprite/supermarket was quite something to encounter, people sure seem to dress up to do grocery shopping.

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Day 6 & 7 (Thursday & Friday)

Every day we try to learn more and more Chichewa words, so our Thursday morning ride to the center was spent memorizing a Chichewa song to sing with the children. Our driver Mr. Peter said it made us "real Malawians". The children loved it. (Some of them already knew it, and the others seem to catch on quickly.)

Thursday's parable was about the prayers of the publican and pharisee. The children seemed to understand the concept and, as always, loved doing the coloring page that went along with it. The older ones enjoyed the word search on the back as an extra challenge.

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Day 4 & 5 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Well the ladies have been EXTRA, extra busy in Malawi… with close to 600 children showing up each day for Bible classes and activities they have been busy trying to keep things running smoothly and in an organized fashion. So because of that I am going to add some extra words for them to the pictures they have sent over. We hope they will continue to write a blog approximately every other day but also find it important that the ladies prioritize their well-being as well.

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Day 2 (Sunday) & 3 (Monday)


On our way to church Sunday morning at the Mbulumbusi child care center compound, Bep picked up a family to give them a ride. The five seater car now held nine people, but by Malawian standards we could have still fit one or two more!

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Marlies KorporaalComment
Day 1 - Saturday

Our driver James picked us up in the morning and brought us to the bank to exchange money and then to the store to buy groceries for the week. The Malawian currency is quite colorful. And, as the value of the Malawian Kwacha is much less than US or Canadian dollars, you get a very large stack when you exchange money. Due to the value difference, we also had to wrap our heads around spending hundreds on a bag of rice.

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Cyclone Freddy - Assessments Received and Plan Developed

 It has now been almost two weeks since Cyclone Freddy made landfall over Malawi. This tropical storm caused severe flooding and localized mudslides and landslides. A trail of destruction was left behind: damaged or obliterated homes, bridges and roads. Meanwhile, the death toll in Malawi has risen to more than 500 people and many are still missing.

Over the past few days, our team in Malawi conducted a damage assessment at all child care centres. Based on this, they developed a plan of action. We would like to take you through our considerations and approach with a few questions and answers.

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Prayer Day

Rainy Season 𝗶𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗮𝘄𝗶 🌦 In Malawi, it is the middle of rainy season and that means most families are nervously anticipating a new harvest 🌽

 As we were preparing this special Prayer Day blog post we received news of a Tropical Storm Warning from Malawi - this is worrisome for many, especially as the memories of the last Tropical Storm a couple years ago are still fresh in their minds.

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